Shrimp farming in Bangladesh

started back in 1960's, though commercial farming comes in practice later around 1980.

More than 200K hectare

are dedicated for main two species, P. monodon and M. rosenbergii.

Production per hectare

ranging 250 - 400 kg and 98% farms are extensive, owned by smallholder aqua farmers.

Our Priorities
Climate Action
Sustainable Aquaculture

Who we are

A Complete Destination for Sustainable Aquaculture in Bangladesh

𝗙𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗕𝗬𝗧𝗘, an aqua tech company to disrupt and transform the low yielding aquaculture industry of Bangladesh.

Our unique value proposition lies in the commitment to use modern methods to bring transformative changes in the entire industry, embracing the advancements of the fourth industrial revolution while making it climate smart and foster sustainable environment globally.

We work with smallholder farmers, assist them procuring high quality seeds from existing value chain and providing technical/advisory services to improve their farming practices to maximize production, simultaneously minimizing waste and reducing environmental impact.

We Do the things

that nobody ever did in Bangladesh's aquaculture sector

In the ever-evolving world of aquaculture, innovation and progress are the cornerstones of success. As we embark on a new journey, 𝗙𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗕𝗬𝗧𝗘 stands at the forefront of change, ready to make waves in the industry. Our vision extends beyond traditional practices, as we set out to redefine the future of aquaculture. We recognize the pressing need for change and are committed to introducing several key factors that will shape the industry’s destiny.

Carbon Footprint

We promote the utilization of renewable energy sources in aquaculture operations. Simultaneously, we actively contribute to carbon sequestration by planting mangroves while introducing climate-smart shrimp farming practices in Bangladesh to foster a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to aquaculture.

Animal Welfare

Ensuring the well-being of aquatic life hinges on precise management of oxygen, ammonia, temperature, salinity, and pH. Leveraging modern technology for monitoring, water quality will be ensured in pristine quality, safeguarding the welfare of all aquatic animals.


We support the aquaculture process from acquiring quality post-larvae to production, post harvest to market access. By eliminating intermediaries in the value chain, we facilitate direct connections between smallholder farmers and customers, increasing their earnings from the same investments.


As part of our commitment to aquaculture excellence, we assign unique IDs to smallholder farmers, ensuring complete traceability and boosting transparency across the value chain.

Cold Chain

The cold chain management ensures that perishable products are safe and of high quality at the point of consumption. Our logistics will assist post harvest aquatic foods to be in pristine quality across the value chain.

Access to Finance

Our well-documented aquaculture workflow empowers smallholder farmers to establish formal financial trajectories, paving the way for potential investments from banks and individuals into their businesses.

Our services

What We do Best for the Aqua Farmers

In the ever-evolving world of aquaculture, innovation and progress are the cornerstones of success. As we embark on a new journey, 𝗙𝗜𝗦𝗛𝗕𝗬𝗧𝗘 stands at the forefront of change, ready to make waves in the industry. Our vision extends beyond traditional practices, as we set out to redefine the future of aquaculture. We recognize the pressing need for change and are committed to introducing several key factors that will shape the industry’s destiny.

Post Larvae Procurement

We maintain strong connections with all stakeholders, including hatcheries. Our role involves helping farmers obtain the highest quality post larvae (PL) for their aquaculture ventures. The quality of post larvae is a critical factor for success in aquaculture, and we ensure that farmers have access to the right PL specimens to kickstart their operations.

Pond Design & Preparation

Our team of experienced professionals collaborates closely with farmers to ensure they have well-structured and optimally designed ponds that are tailored to their specific aquaculture needs. We empower them to establish the ideal aquatic habitat for their aquatic species, ultimately leading to improved yields and successful aquaculture operations.

Water Quality Management

We support smallholder farmers by providing expertise in water quality and management. We conduct assessments and create customized plans for aeration, water exchange, and nutrient control to maintain a healthy aquatic environment. This proactive approach enhances production efficiency and ensures a successful aquaculture journey for farmers.

Feed & Health Management

We also offer smallholder farmers valuable assistance in feed and health management. We work closely with them to develop efficient feeding strategies, helping them make the most of their resources. Our team provides guidance on disease prevention and treatment, ensuring the well-being of their aquatic stock that results in successful venture for them.

& Harvest

We extend our support to the smallholder farmers in the crucial stages of stocking. We help determining the optimal stocking densities based on pond size and species being cultivated, maximizing the potential for successful growth. When it comes to harvest, our guidance on the right time and methods to ensure a bountiful and efficient harvest.

& Market Access

We connect farmers with potential buyers and market opportunities, helping them reach a broader customer base and secure better prices for their produce. Additionally, we offer guidance on financial planning, budgeting, and access to funding sources, enabling farmers to make informed financial decisions and access the capital they need to expand and improve.

Our initiative makes

Seafood business easier for the stakeholders

"Shrimp Bangla" is an independent seafood supplying entity based at Satkhira, Khulna AKA the land of shrimp. Our primary focus is to deliver premium-quality seafood, exclusively shrimps to B2B, B2R, and B2B2C channels nationwide right from the source and ensure our farmers get the fair price.
- visit Shrimp Bangla



Our work proudly

Align with Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation

End poverty in all its forms everywhere
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Avoiding use of hazardous chemicals and stop spreading pollution, we intend to save lives and ensure well-beings.
A large portion of the small holder farmers and aquaculture sector workers are women and we extend our support to empower them in the industry.
Progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40% of the population at a rate higher than the national average
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
We promote and practice smart farming methods to combat climate change and its impacts.
Promote responsible coastal aquaculture practices to prevent pollution of oceans, seas, and marine resources, ensuring sustainable development.
We ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

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